Child Actor bounds in blueprint after function execution not working as expected. What to do?

I use blueprints to build buildings. Basically I have a blueprint for each wall. Then I take a building blueprint and add these Wall Blueprints as child actors. Since I want to be able to control the height of the building I have a wall Construction script checking if the Actor is a child. If this is the case the construction script does nothing. Otherwise executes function BuildWall. In the Construction script of my Building Blueprint I first add “empty” Child Actor and execute afterwards the function Build Wall with input variables provided to Building blueprint. It does what expected. The walls are created.

However, to position the walls relative to each other I need to get size of the constructed Child Actors. For this purpose I use Get Actor Bounds. This function works great if the actor is constructed using Construction Script. But since I first add an “empty” actor and then call Build Wall on it, Get Actor Bounds seems to return 0 values.

Is this the expected behavior?

P.S. I’ll post Screenshots of blueprint later…