Hey all,
I’m making a dungeon crawler that randomly generates maps by spawning pre-built chunks. The chunks are one big blueprint which contains the geometry and other blueprints such as torches on the walls and enemies.
The problem I’m having is that enemies don’t seem to work correctly if they are spawned as child actor components inside another blueprint. If i drag them into the level they work fine (they use a controller and behavior tree) but since the blueprints they are inside of are spawned dynamically I assumed they mustn’t be getting their controller so I added an [event begin play] → [spawn default controller] inside the enemy but that didn’t seem to activate his AI.
The next thing I tried was replacing the child actor blueprints inside the chunk with a blueprint that instead spawned the enemy at [event begin play] but these simple blueprints didn’t seem to work either. If i dragged them into the level they correctly spawned an enemy but if they are a child actor inside another blueprint they seem to lose the ability to spawn (even though the node is definitely being hit since I tested by having it print screen when it got past it).
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get my blueprints working right inside other blueprints? Thanks!