Child Actor BeginPlay behavior change between Standalone and PIE when replicated

Fact : BeginPlay on ChildActor replicated with netload on client is called in Editor View, not in Standalone (4.26.2)
Possible Behavior : ChildActor is NOT spawned on Standalone only when replicated AND net load on client. Works in editor, works in standalone if ‘net load on client’ or ‘replicates’ is not checked too or r

Quickest way to reproduce :
Create empty project :

Put a new sphere object in your level

  1. edit in blueprint parenting static mesh actor
  2. Check ‘net load on client’ and ‘replicates’
  3. Add Printf Hello on BeginPlay event (or change material or anything)
  4. Compile/Save
  5. delete object from your level

Put a new cube object in your level

  1. edit in blueprint parenting static mesh actor
  2. Add ChildActor component and select the Sphere_Blueprint object created above
  3. Compile/Save

Launch in netmode ‘Play As Client’
-In Editor : “Hello” is displayed
-In Standalone : nothing displayed