Chess Movement

I want to make a 3d chess game. I have all of the pieces and a board set up. I also have the mouse on screen, I just don’t know how to make the pieces move. I guess I should use some kind of grid system, but then I would need to check for available moves and I can’t figure it out.

Hey there @Skjerning666! Welcome to the community! Chess is a good place to start as it can teach turn dynamics and grid logic! I have a handful of resources that can help out. One is rather old so much has changed in engine, but it still walks you through how to go about some of the logical questions you’ve thought up. Another is a fully networked chess project, without a full tutorial, but it does have the project file so if you’d like to look over how he did it, you can use that as a learning resource.

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Old video:

Networked Chess Project: