Checking to see if a transform variable is null?

I have two levels with identical geometry, but different light bakes (arch viz). I want to switch between the two on a key press - and have my character load with the current transform. I think I’m close to getting it to work using a game instance.

Here’s what I have so far in my character controller:


I seem to be setting the transform correctly, as I am seeing it update with my print string. However, I’ve yet to successfully ‘appear’ anywhere other than the default starting location. I know the issue: Is Valid. I know that isn’t the right node (I can’t plug a variable into it), but I can’t find the correct way to check whether my variable is null. I think that if I get that going my BP will work.

Also, I currently have a flipflop set up for my level load (alternating between the two). I don’t think this will work correctly (and if it does, I’m sure it isn’ the best way to go about it). How would I check to see which level is loaded, and then load the opposite? Make sense?


well you can break the transform and look whether the location vector is 0 0 0

Thanks! That worked.