Now, normally one would create an event dispatcher from the player character BUT I have “Set input mode UI Only”. A function or something from the level blueprint maybe?
I need the UI only for a bug, that the mouse does not go away when I set “show mouse cursor - false”
Hello Uggly Owliiver,
You could you the OnKeyDown Override within the widget. This will allow you to test to see what keys have been pressed and from there you can preform the actions needed. I hope that this information helps.
You will need to replace the print string in the image below. This is where you will place the logic needed for your key press.
WARNING: Unconnected execution pins can cause a crash. You will notice that I have connected the false pin to the return even though it does nothing.
Make it a great day
Thank you! Just what I was looking for!
Thank you for giving me such a detailed and in depth response!
That is what I want to do, but it is not regestering a button press. Do I need to disable anything for that On Key Down to work? Nothing happens, I am certain I have no “Set input mode UI only” active. Do I need to go into the project settings to enable “read buttons” or simlar?
For anyone else having this problem, do what Rudy said. Also, you need to “Set Keyboard focus” to the widget you created for the presses to be read. Thanks again Rudy for the help, I am super happy with the result!