Checking a specific index has the same name or not from an array list

Hey, so I made an array list, and I want to check if the index will have the same value or not

So for example, if the index(0) value is indeed DoubleJump, then I want to do this Double Jump Skill function

So basically i want the foreach loop to search for an index that have the specific value I wanted and if it’s true then it will do the funciton

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You don’t even need a loop. Arrays have the ‘contains’ and ‘find’ nodes, which do exactly this.

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Oh LOL, found it. Turns out it was as simple as that. Thanks!

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hey, another quick question, how do i add only one item in the array?

I did this, and I think the Skill Row Name ID just fill up all the array list

Because I tried to print the find Array value, and when it doesn’t find it it’s result in -1 (which is correct)
but somehow when it finds the value, it prints in 5 (the total index of my array)

Several ways.

  1. Use ‘contains’ to check if it’s in there first, if not, then add it

  2. Use a map instead of an array, you can only add things once to a map


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