My suggestion is to make checkbox state stored per window instead of globally.
more convoluted solution would involve having to reload variable list each time you switch between windows.
I’ve mainly been posting this to see if I can help to fix this in code, I would appreciate if you could give a pointer in which direction I should be looking and what sort of solution you would prefer to fix this.
I can’t agree here, toggling on “Show Inherited Variables” is not a data change, it’s only an editor visibility change.
You can after all still get these variables in blueprint even if inherited variables are not visible, not to mention fact that toggling this visibility is a global change and not per blueprint.
This isn’t a workaround. change you made in one blueprint won’t be propagated to other blueprints until they are compiled. They are considered “dirty” until this compilation is made.
I agree this is unusual behavior and may qualify as a bug in editor, but it’s not a high priority item for us as we don’t have resources to fix it. If you do come up with a solution, you can submit a pull request and developers can see if they’re able to integrate it into engine officially. Let us know if you do!