Check this out!

This is exactly what I’m trying to build. Would be willing to pay for someone to show or help me build it. Want to understand how and expand on it. Thanks.


This is something for intermediate to advanced level. Those pieces are independent static meshes or skeletal meshes. They were combined in an actor class to form an object you see in the video. Later they will integrate the action with the widget/UI so that when a button is pressed it applies the action to the object.

But what about the fingers-like animation part? Well, pretty simple. Either you can animate it in Control Rig or you can use the baked animation. Epic Games has pointed out in the UE5 demonstration video how you can combine static meshes and represent them as one skeletal mesh to easily animate them as one object. The same concept can be applied here.

What about the mesh dispart? Well, this one you can use either basic transformation technique, sequencer or control rig (again). The logic should be constant as the meshes seem to be in lerp to the same place.

the “explode” view of parts disassembling mid air I’d do in this case by making a partition tree in 2D or 3D where each partition (hardware part) takes up its minimal 3D space (recursing sub parts) + desired air space which are all animatable as tranforms. Keeps the data neatly organized and controllable.

In essence that is probably the only complex part, then you program the spectator type camera (It reminds me of Blender3D btw).

In reality these things take a few days to make and a few more to perfect. It’s 95% programming and since it’s a demo type it depends on your audience how you implement it (complexity, UX, are they engineers / physical product buyers / gamers / designers) and test it.

I’m starting out simple. Allow the user to rotate the mesh around in any direction. This is based on another post I found. This works fine but only if I have the camera inside the blueprint. Not sure if that matters. What I’m trying to figure out now is how can I add a curve to the rotation so when the user lets go of it, the cube slowly comes to a stop. Right now, it just stops immediately.