Check Point System

I bought your product on the store and I’m having a problem with the checkpoints ,i fillowed every single video of yours ,except the UMG menu and I couldn’t respawn, no matter what i did ,could you help me?

I could but I’ll need more information. Or if you are willing, you can send me your project and I can look over it.

This is amazing. Worked great. Thank you for this. $5 well spent.

I have noticed that if you do not use the Checkpoint_Controller in project settings then some things won’t work like Press V to respawn (which was actually the only reason I bought this package) However I am using the controller from generic shooter which is fairly comprehensive and my game doesn’t work without using it. My question is how can I copy over the functionality that is referenced in Checkpoint_Controller to the GS Controller?

Wow, very cool. I bought another savesystem, but i was unhappy with the result(to complicated), will try yours too.
One question, possible to save dynamically spawned BP_objects?
4.10 compatible?

Hello Morts, sorry for my inappropriate writing, I’m using a smartphone

I need to know if you are alive in this forum.

I’m posting here because you does not are returning any my skype answers, nothing, by several months.

I’m being very professional The proposal offered by mi is not sufficient for you. Anything Wong?

You are not able to perform the modification that I proposed in your checkpoint system in my game: ie. The level gateway (map transition). A transition system using your checkpoint system?

let me know if my proposal does not pleased you?

Cordially I wait your answer

Nice package for fair price. I wonder what I have to change that it works in my ball game. Now it doesn’t work. That 2d template is working. Maybe some adjustment and references have to change/rename that checkpoint in my physicsball works