Check in Widget


How can I check in Widget 1 that Widget 2 was called?

Many thanks in advance

what do you mean by called?
If is in the viewport?


Yes :smiley:

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if you want to check in widget 1 then you must find a way to get widget 2 from widget 1…
one way is store widget 2 in a variable in some reachable blueprint such as gamemode
then from your widget1 you can do (get gamemode)—> (cast to -your gamemode class-) —> (get -your widget2 variable-) —> (is in viewport?)

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I didn’t really understand. I can understand it best if you could show that in a blueprint.

in your game mode put your widget 2 in a variable


in your widget 1 (or anywhere) call gamemode and get the variable to see if is in the viewport

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Thank you very much, now I understand.

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