Check if "Simulate in Editor"?

Hi! I want to detect in my code if the play mode is set to “Play” (Selected Viewport) or “Simulate in Editor”. I know I can get information about the world type through “GetWorld()->WorldType” but it returns “PIE” for both “Play” and “Simulate in Editor”. Is there any other way to distinguish them?

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You can check the UEditorEngine’s bIsSimulatingInEditor property, like this:

if (UEditorEngine* editor = CastChecked<UEditorEngine>(GEngine))
    return editor->bIsSimulatingInEditor;
return false;

Not working at all. If there is Cast - project not compiling with LNK2019, if you write just (UEditorEngine*)GEngine - then it’s always nullptr.

Are you including EditorEngine.h?

It’s more like this actually:

bool myClass::IsPIE() const {
      return ( GEditor->bIsSimulatingInEditor || ( GEditor->PlayWorld != NULL ) );


Thank you! That works perfectly.
Also include for this “Editor.h” and module “UnrealEd” goes to .Build.cs file.

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And now the relevant variable changed to IsSimulateInEditorInProgress:

// ProjectName.Build.cs

		if (Target.bBuildEditor)
// somewhere else in your project:

#include "Editor.h"

// ...

	if(GetWorld()->WorldType == EWorldType::PIE && GEditor->IsSimulateInEditorInProgress())
		return nullptr;

EDIT: if you don’t check for WorldType == EWorldType::PIE first, you create a crash. Running the game as “standalone game” from within the editor is running an editor built and WITH_EDITOR evaluates to true, but GEditor->IsSimulateInEditorInProgress() then causes an access violation. Maybe GEditor isn’t available.