My idea:
- Create an Actor Blueprint, very basic, based on just the Actor class.
- Give it two components,a scene component, and a collision box inside of that. position them so that the box’s bottom left corner is exactly on the scene component.
- Create a function to generate the “zones”, which in a For loop from 0 to 120, it Spawns one of these actors at the location needed, maybe it’s on a grid so you just multiply the positions by the index of the loop.
- Run this function to generate all 120 zones.
After you got this working, you can add things to the Zone Actors like OnBeginOverlap and OnEndOverlap event, and a string for ZoneName, etc.
How can i check if the player enters a specific area of the map without placing volumes in the level.
I have a data table like this:
X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, regionName
-13588, 293949, 24, 120, 20202, 24, middleSouthWestPark
Inside this table stored “zones” of my map.
X1, Y1, Z1
The bottom left corner of the zone
X2, Y2, Z2
The top right corner of the zone
I have 120 of these zones. So it would be a pain to create manually for each zone an trigger volume to check if player is inside it. Is there a solution to check this only via code? I dont think that this is impossible.
I need this to Display thr name of the zone on the screen and to control other things like sounds.