Check if mouse cursor is on a image widget

Button widget has inappropriate behavior. I’m trying to simulate button widget with image widget. Can I check if mouse cursor is hovering a image? Can I define a non rectangular image region to hovered image? Thanks.

Hi, why are you trying to to make an image work as a button? If you need a custom shape for you button check out this.

I need specifics button controls (without much of the standard properties).

Can I define a non rectangular image region to hovered image?

What do you want your button to able to do?

Extern specification when uses normal, hovered, pressed and disabled styles (function call exchanges style when needed) and intern “collision between cursor and button” process (function call returns true if and only if mouse cursor is hovering the button, possible specify button shape).

I’m beginner but for ure probleme ihave an idea that worked for me. you can make array and u put all images and then unreal will check if any images have hovered

we can also help each athor contact me on facebook

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It will definetely work, but it is not a good practice to iterate over a for loop in an event tick function. This is very expensive as it is processed every frame. Better solution would be to group the contents you want to check in an overlay panel or similar and check only that one panel. All of its children will automatically be checked as well.