Check if level exists

Let’s say you have made a level as a plugin and want to check if the plugin is installed/exists via blueprints. Is it possible through one of the isvalid nodes or maybe another method?


Hey there, try Get Streaming Level and put the name of the map. If that doesn’t work then you might need to do some c++ magic like:

TArray<FString> MapFiles;

IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive(MapFiles, *FPaths::GameContentDir(), TEXT("*.umap"), true, false, false);

I downvoted you for the following reasons: You failed to point to the documentation on the given Blueprint node. Secondly in the provided C++ code you chose *FPaths::GameContentDir() as the appropriate function when, AFAIK, that points to the Game/Content folder and not a given plugin/Content folder. The OP spoke directly about level maps in a plugin and not the standard content folder. If the FindFilesRecursive function handles this, no worries, but I’m dubious.
Make the following corrections to your answer and I’ll retract my downvote:
Link to the documentation of the “Get Streaming Level” node.
A image of the node being used for the purposed you suggest.
Adjusting the C++ example (if needed) to search through a give plugin’s content folder.

Use this node Does Asset Exist | Unreal Engine Documentation
to check if a file exists. the path should be /game/levels/levelname.umap (or something similar)

Otherwise, there’s no “Does map exist” node AFAIK.