Hello everybody,
Can someone tell me how to check if a stimulus location is recheable or walkable ?
Thanks, cheers !!
Hello everybody,
Can someone tell me how to check if a stimulus location is recheable or walkable ?
Thanks, cheers !!
For ai ??
Just drop nav mesh on level
If the area is reachable then the pawn just walk to that
If not it will just stay there
The problem is that I have an AI that follows the player going to the last known position in a nav mesh. But if the last known position is in a non-walkable zone, the AI gets stuck trying to reach the zone in the MoveTo node. I thought it would be a good idea to check if the last known position is walkable, if true go there, if not go to, say, another random position. But I don’t know how to check if the last known position is walkable
If you want to find a close spot, you can use ProjectToNavMesh, if you want to find out if they can get there, but do something else if not, then you can use FindPath
OK, will try, thanks !!