Check if a player switches from team A to team B

So i have already setup a team selector so they can select team A or team B. And then i display the players with a player reference. But if a player switches from team A to team B i want to remove the reference for the player on team A and add it on team B. How would I do so?

I usually use an extension function like this to grab team numbers

You can place it in whatever verse script you’re trying to use it for

        Print("Return Team Started")
        Collection := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection()
        Team_Array := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeams()
        AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
        if(PlayerTeam := Collection.GetTeam[Player]):
            if(Player_Team_Number := Collection.GetTeams().Find[PlayerTeam]):
                return Player_Team_Number
        Print("Something Failed Returning 99 ")                
        return 99

And then you could write a function that takes a player as a param and do something like this

Let me know if you get any errors bc i wrote these in a notepad since the servers are down lol

        TeamNum := Player.Team_Number()
        if(TeamNum = 0):
            Print("Do something for team 0")
        else if(TeamNum = 1):
            Print("Do Something for team 1")