Check for gamepad input

Currently trying to develop a small system that switches between Mouse and Controller Mode in the Main Menu.
Basically, if the mouse is moved, the cursor is visible, and if the controller gets touched, the cursor gets hidden.

Every tick it gets the mouse cursor position and moves an image to the same location. This is just an image for my custom cursor. I’m also checking if the mouse has moved the last frame with Get Input Mouse Delta, and setting the opacity to 1 if it is larger than 0.

Now I want to set the opacity to 0 if the game receives any input from a gamepad. Turns out its not as easy as I had hoped. I don’t have access to any input events in the widget blueprint, and its inefficient to have the events called with event dispatchers from, lets say, the character blueprint.

I found an Is Gamepad Key function, and had hoped that I could connect it to an event or something similar. Please let me know if you know a way to receive gamepad input, anything works.

Thank You.