Check component overlap issue

Can someone tell me what the issue with this blueprint is?

This function is called in an event that triggers in OnEventTick. For some reason it never gets passed the branch nodes. I have assured that this function does call every tick, but I don’t understand why it doesn’t trigger the overlap. Am I using the ‘Is Overlapping Actor’ node wrong? Is there a different node I should be using?

Hi there, you need to stick in an Actor to the “Other” pin of your IsOverlappingActor node.

If you want to check if the Actor - that contains your function - is colliding, then you need to connect the “Self”-node.
And I guess you just want to stick PreviewOverlap directly into the first branch without doing an NotEqual. Assuming it is just an Option to enable collision check.

happy debugging, Marooney

Hi! Thanks for the quick reply, is there any way I can check if any actor/component is overlapping the object?

Sure. Within your actor just drag your component where you have configured your collision (mesh or collider) into the EventGraph and add a GetOverlappingActors node where you specify the class (Actor for everything) or (Pawn or Character or so for players only). Then you will get an Array of them. If the Length is > 0 then it is colliding.

Yes that was exactly the issue! Thanks you! Please mention this in the answer so that others may see it

:slight_smile: Yep you are right :slight_smile: But people have different issues anyway when looking up such posts, and they can read the comments too if required :slight_smile: