Chasing The Magic #BetterLightThanNever

Title: Chasing The Magic

(Chasing The Magic_Better Light Than Never - YouTube)

Student Submission: No

Unreal Marketplace Assets:
-Quixel Megascans
-Sounds from AmbientandProceduralSound
-Character from Paragon “The Fey”

We can create extraordinary things with the help of our imagination as the presence of supernatural beings or forces, as well as the creation of mystical and mysterious environments. But what would happen if magic were real? How would magic show us? The key is to fully believe in it… you can find it if you really look for it, reach it if you chase it. And ultimately, even if we grew up, it will always be there to be seen by whoever believes.

I started learning Unreal 4 months ago, and it’s magical for me, so I wanted to represent this feeling by making this video, I hope you like it!

UE 5.0.1


For someone who has only been using Unreal for a few months you have definitely come a long way. You managed to fit an entire story in, in a few seconds.