Chase camera?

I am playing with the “Rolling” game template and I would like the camera to “chase” the ball in the direction it is rolling or falling.

Could anyone please give me a hint?

Mess with the defaults ( control rotation yaw ) and spring arm and camera lag in the components tab of it BluePrint

I have discovered the camera lag options, works great. But I am not sure how should I control the rotation yaw?

I have been stuck with this issue for quite a while, anybody knows how to do it? My last attempt doesnt work either. It seems that something is constantly returning the camera to its original position.

So sorry its been so long, buts thats the nature of the answer hub

here the spring arm will get the rotation yaw from the direction that the ball is rolling
adjust Pitch (-45) to set the cam hight and adjust interp Speed to set cam rotate lag.