Chartboost Framework integration problem


I’m currently developing a game for iOS using UE4 and I am not sure if I’m doing right when trying to add the Chartboost Framework.

Here’s what I did:

  1. I put Chartboost.framework into Xcode->TARGET->iOS->Build Phase->Link Binary With Libraries
  2. I added #import to the class I created in BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h

Then when I tried to build, I got the following error: ‘Chartboost/Chartboost.h’ file not found.

Could someone please tell me what is wrong?

you can’t direct add library to xcode, unreal engine 4 use ubt build, have a look at this plugin:, this plugin include chartboost support


Our plugin Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android is exactly what you need: Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums It includes support for 15 ad networks also Chartboost (more coming soon) and Banners, Interstitials, Rewarded Videos. Plugin was released 2 years ago and was tested in many ways during this time. It’s stable and receives update every 1-2 months and we provide premium support.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :slight_smile:
