Character's skeletal mesh disappears under Mobile/HTML 5 Preview Rendering Level

So in my research, I was able to get all of our NPCs viewable in-game in the mobile/html 5 preview rendering level by greatly reducing the amount of skinned bones in the NPCs, however there were a bunch of inconsistencies. Our main character has 87 skinned bones, and I noticed the rest our NPCs were coming in with that amount or greater. Some were coming in and visible with 94 and 104 total skinned bones, some were only visible at 74 skinned bones, 75, or 80…it was different for everyone. Now I understand NPCs should not have the same amount of bones or more than the main character, so I ended up taking down the amount of skinned bones to 61 for all NPCs, and they were all finally visible in-game. It seemed like total bone count didn’t matter, but the amount of skinned bones that did.