Alright so this question is not Unreal Engine 4 Relative, but you know how pretty much all games today have foldings.
I have tried to make that on my characters using Normalmaps, but it never actuly look like they should. So im starting to think that maby all games just use foldings on the actual models? If that is true then i need alot more polygons on the models.
So i was wondering, how much polygons do game characters have today? My characters have about 3k - 5k polygons
is that like a normal amount? or do most games have more polygons on the caracters?
Hello. 3k-5k is very low poly by todays standards. Generally character meshes are the most dense in the face. If you look at the poly count for just the arm model for FPS that comes with unreal it is around 5k. You can safely get away with around 10k-12k for a full model. But dont underestimate the importance of heightmaps, not just normal maps. Using these helps give more depth to the folds of the skin,
Hi ygthim, EyeDee10Tee is right. You can easily push the model to 10k-12k and even more. You need to take some other parameter in consideration. If you need a big density of character in the same «camera view» I suggest you to use LODs, so even if your character have 20k-25k from close, he could have 10-6k from far. Some game decide to put the main character with a big amount of polygon, sometime more than 75k but optimize a lot of model or use other technique to improve the scene. (Don’t forget to take all the scene in consideration)
Most of the time 10k-15k is enough the rest is about normal/height/occlusion/specular map and how you make the model itself.