Character's Capsule to Follow HMD ?

Hi everyone !

Years ago while working with a HTC Vive HMD and Character Movement in UE4 I saw a topic,

explaining how to make the Character’s capsule component follow the location of the HMD at runtime, by calling a custom function (maybe on the tick ?)

But the re-location of the capsule actually wasn’t activating movement, it was more a re-definition of the capsule’s position.

The method was working great, denying the player the ability to push his head through walls and explore areas I didn’t want him to.

I work on the Oculus Quest now and I can’t find this topic anymore,

my experiments are constantly activating the player movement along with the capsule re-location,

I create a vector from the HMD initial position to the current HMD position

and try to relocate the capsule using those coordinates, on the tick.

The result : is quite the same as an Add Force node, not what I want.

I want to get rid of this “Astral Body” sh*t and constrain my player parkour.

I don’t know if I want the camera to stick to the capsule, or the capsule to stick to the camera, but I know I need help.

Thanks in advance if any responses, I’ll post images later trying to explain what I’m talking about.


Hi crouton_socrate,

I have a project with similar needs. Did you manage to link the users physical movement to unreal character and how?

Hi Tas,

I’m reminded of a community video showing how to implement a more dynamic/physically based collision capsule.

Hope that helps!

Edit: The video is no longer hosted on youtube, I mentioned it on the developers discord and they sent me a gdrive link!

yes you are right! That video is what I need!

Private video, sad.

Hi Rocky,

Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

It looks like they decided to completely close their youtube channel.

I think the best option now would be to test out their demo (product is from same people who made the YT vid originally linked) to see if that’s the functionality you’re looking for.

Edit: Gdrive link to vid has been added - see my post above