Hi everyone !
Years ago while working with a HTC Vive HMD and Character Movement in UE4 I saw a topic,
explaining how to make the Character’s capsule component follow the location of the HMD at runtime, by calling a custom function (maybe on the tick ?)
But the re-location of the capsule actually wasn’t activating movement, it was more a re-definition of the capsule’s position.
The method was working great, denying the player the ability to push his head through walls and explore areas I didn’t want him to.
I work on the Oculus Quest now and I can’t find this topic anymore,
my experiments are constantly activating the player movement along with the capsule re-location,
I create a vector from the HMD initial position to the current HMD position
and try to relocate the capsule using those coordinates, on the tick.
The result : is quite the same as an Add Force node, not what I want.
I want to get rid of this “Astral Body” sh*t and constrain my player parkour.
I don’t know if I want the camera to stick to the capsule, or the capsule to stick to the camera, but I know I need help.
Thanks in advance if any responses, I’ll post images later trying to explain what I’m talking about.