I have been trying to work on a third person platforming set up with a Character BluePrint, and while I have the inputs working just fine, the major problem I am running into right now is how the character movement component’s physics work in the game world. I can get ground movement working alright, but the main issue is movement in the air, particularly vertical movement.
- Jumping is set up to keep going as long as the input is pressed and while there’s still “room” left in the Jump Max Hold Time variable (think of jumping in a Mario game, the longer jump is held down, the higher you, but the jump happens instantly). The upward movement using the default velocity for a jump is akin to being slowly pulled up rather than the character applying force off the ground. While increasing the velocity seems like the solution here, what that does is mess around with the height of the jump, making the Jump Max Hold Time difficult, if not impossible to correct in response. Further, changing the velocity causes the jump to go higher than I would desire,
even when the input is held down for the shortest amount of time possible. - As for falling, increasing the character’s gravity fixes that, but only that. Combined with the default velocity jump, the overall velocity of the jump feels incredibly awkward, starting off by going up slow and then after reaching the peak, gradually going to an ideal velocity only just before actually landing. Again, changing the jump velocity variable causes issues with the height of the jump.
Am I missing something completely crucial to the character movement component? If needed for evaluation, my current project’s settings have a fixed sixty frames per second. I will edit this post to show further information that might be required. Thank you for your time.