CharacterMesh has to have 'Simulate Physics' enabled if you'd like to AddImpulseAtLocation

I’m using ALS V4 for a shooter and have the character go ragdoll once health is 0.

Once the health reaches zero, the mesh is set to PhysicBody, then collision is enabled, then simulate physics is enabled. (default ALS ragdoll function)

Once these preparations are done, I wait for 100ms, then I apply an impulse to the mesh, to increase the death impact. This returns “ALS_AnimMan_CharacterBP_2.CharacterMesh0 AnimMan has to have ‘Simulate Physics’ enabled if you’d like to AddImpulseAtLocation.”

I also added an impulse when shooting the dead body, and I get the same error.

This class is a child class from the character class, so the mesh is the inherited character mesh.

Probably because you’re simulating physics only for the pelvis bone and the bones below it.
EDIT: you’re not actually enabling Physics Simulation in the screens provided.

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Can you attach a picture of your component list?

I checked all 4 combination of using the functions shown below, and they all got me to the same result.

  • The mesh go ragdoll and fall
  • I get the addImpulse warning
  • Every time I shoot, a new warning is added

I also tried setting “New Simulate” to false without success.

Am I forgetting something?

Sure! Here it is:


Removing the held object mesh and skeletal mesh didn’t change the problem.


As far as I remember, my problem came from having the wrong collision or physic preset. However, I’m not 100% sure, as it dates a few month.

After uncheck the EnablePhysicsInteraction in CharacterMovement ,the warning gone.


You need to specify the BoneName in AddImpulse
For example, “pelvis”

Apologies for the necro posting, but just in case someone else comes across this problem:

If you’d like to keep EnablePhysicsInteraction true on your Character Movement Component, and have physical animation, then on BeginPlay you need to tell the character mesh to ignore the capsule when moving.


Very irritating thing to track down.

It’s been a while but did you ever find the solution? I have the same issue and I’ve been just ignoring the warning for months. I see you enable physics to the mesh in your Ragdoll Start function. You subsequently add pulse to the mesh in Multi_Kill function. Hence I don’t understand why the warning to enable physics comes up? I have the same issue.

The ‘Is Simulating Physics’ node fixed this error for me.
Seems to work for both skeletal and static meshes.

Realized I needed to include the ‘Hit Bone’ from the hit result - without it the ‘Is Simulating Physics’ node was never true for Skeletal Meshes, and ‘Add Impulse’ needs it to work too.