Hi, I’m trying to reimplement my ladder functionality into my movement system, but for some reason I’m having an issue with the blending of the character position, more specifically the Z value - The alpha is a timeline from 0-1 in 1 second, for the lerp A X and Y values I’m using the characters location, and for the Lerp B I’m using the X and Y from the Player Marker in the ladder BP, which has an offset from the ladder so the character doesn’t get stuck inside it - For the Z on both Lerp A and B I’m using the characters current location, so it shouldn’t be affected by the lerp and can still receive up/down input, which all works perfectly fine in my old version, which has the exact same code and is only from 5.1.1, but for some reason in the 5.2 version towards the end of the lerp it forces the player Z down, I can’t figure out why, anyone got any ideas? Ladder Blend Broken - YouTube The video shows both the old and new version, and that the logic is the same, and also what is happening on both
Also, although not AS important, the offset also seems to be different between the two versions, when all values are the same