For some weird reason, I made a pickup blueprint to get points from but when my character touches the candy, the candy acts as a barrier and I cannot collect it for points. Please help!
Character Blueprint:
Candy Pickup (for points):
The Problem:
For some weird reason, I made a pickup blueprint to get points from but when my character touches the candy, the candy acts as a barrier and I cannot collect it for points. Please help!
Character Blueprint:
Candy Pickup (for points):
The Problem:
Set the candy mesh’s collision preset to OverlapAll. Or set it to NoCollision > add a sphere or box collision component to your candy BP > set it’s collision preset to overlapall and use it’s overlap event.
It has to work. I see that you handled the collision issue so it should work as long as the collision preset of the candy(or the collision box if you are using one) is set to overlapall. Then select the candy static mesh and look at the bottom of it’s details panel where you’ll see Event Begin Overlap. Use that one to fire the rest of your graph.
What kind of blueprint should it be? An actor or what?
Nevermind, I had to check a box that said “Generate Overlap Event”
Okay so I got the thing working by clicking the checkbox next to “Generate Overlap Event”
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