Character won't leave idle state? how to set up pose search schema?

I’ve set up the simples pose search database with an idle, a walk, and a run animations to attempt to have motion matching working with my custom character:



however, my character will stay at idle position:

I’ve tried random setting the pose search schema details but no dice, I don’t really understand how that works.

Any ideas how to fix this? I’m using retargeted animations from the new animation template.

What Max Walk Speed you have?

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Walk speed in the vid is 120

I have tried 400 as well, same result

Maybe it’s about Poser Search Schema (PSS). Check if the appropriate skeleton is selected in PSS. If so, check whether the appropriate Anim Class is selected in the character’s Bluperint Class. Maybe that’s the point.

Everything is set up correctly. It’s probably related to the PSS filters and stuff, I’m just not sure what to change:

Can you show me the Character Blueprint Class and the Details panel on the left. I only mean the Details panel from the top.

Sure thing

and the proper skeleton in the PSS


Granted it’s “working” as the character is getting the idle pose from the PSD. it’s just not switching to the walk or run movements, I’m assuming because the PSS isn’t triggering the switch.

I think I know what the problem is. I’m not entirely sure, but it may be Root. I don’t see that Root is visible in the PSD. Red dot. In addition, check if the FOOT in PSS (bones) have the same name as in the character’s RIG.

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Indeed there’s no red dot, you’re probably right. feet have the correct names, so it must be the root thing.

however, I have no idea why it’s gone. I simply retargeted a bunch of animations from the new template to my character’s skeleton, and they’re behaving like that

Check if your animations have Root in Skeleton Tree.

If you don’t have Root in your skeleton, you need to add it. Maybe this Tutorial will help:

In addition, if your animations will broken and stuck in one place, I will be able to help.

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Well it actually does have root:

idk, could it be something during retarget, could still be the PSS since PSD preview uses PSS, but I made an ABP using the UEFN character from the game animation sample, a new PSS and a new PSD using only the idle, walk and run animations, and it shows the trajectory and root in the PSD:


then I made an ABP exactly the same for my custom character, same default PSS and same default PSD, and retargeted those 3 animations using default IK rig and retargeter settings, and still the same:

I’m out of ideas

Okay. I’m slowly running out of ideas too, but there’s one thing that interests me. In Animation, click Root and check the Details panel on the right. You’ll see if the Walking Animation on frame 0 has Root set in Mesh Relative to 0. Check the last frame and see if Root has moved in Mesh Relative. If it has different coordinates (the green one / Y).

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it’s root motion, so the root coordinates stay zeroed all the same for the entire animation:

So I’ll explain. The point is that Root Motion is indeed at 0 but the Animation must move forward. Something like a trajectory in which it must move. Below is a picture of what I mean.

On frame 0 Mesh Relative is 0 and Root too 0.

On Frame 120 Mesh Relative is 800 and Root 0 but in reality Root moves exactly from number 0 to 800 along with the entire skeleton.

This is how the character moves and the way it moves and the speed, or at least that’s what I think since I’ve been looking at Motion Matching myself.

I’m not entirely sure if this will do anything but if it doesn’t move in Mesh Relative then you need to edit the animation using:

  1. Edit in Sequencer
  2. Bake to Control Rig
  3. Click on Root on the right side in the bone (root_2) Or something like that.
  4. Expand the root_2 section and delete the entire Y section and add two new frames. One on the start frame value 0 and at the end value e.g. 800 - 600 (depends on the animation speed).
  5. Save the animation using the small Save button under Content Browser next to Sequencer and check if it works.

I’ll try to look into this Retarget but I haven’t had anything to do with it yet. I don’t know what could have gone wrong.

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I see what you mean. so this is frame 25 of the original animation:

and this is frame 25 of the retargeted animation:

I suppose this is likely to be the issue. I have no idea why the retargeter didn’t move the root though.

I’ll try editing the animation like you suggested to see if it works and report back

Ok, so it worked! I edited the animations like you suggested, just had to, besides key framing the root track to move, also edit the pelvis Y track so it would stay in place (it was the bone that was making the character move forward, instead of the root), and it works now:

motion matching in animBP also works with these 3 sequences, idle, walk, and run.

however I still have to figure out why the retarget transposed the root movement in the original animation to the pelvis bone.

So there’s this tutorial showing how to retarget root animations:

It didn’t really work for me as the animation wouldn’t rotate the pelvis bone so the character would tilt from side to side on each step. I added a single bone chain for the pelvis on each IK rig and changed the root translation to absolute and it kinda worked, but still seem to look a bit different and shaky compared to the old retarget. Gonna keep experimenting a bit and report back

Remember to enable Lock Root and Root Motion because after making the animation, as I wrote, it may turn off.

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Ok so I think I figured it out:

In the end I didn’t have to set the root bone as retarget root on any of the IKs, nor create a pelvis chain for them. All I did was set the FK translation mode for the root chain to “globally scaled” (not “absolute”, nor “none”)

I also disabled IK retarget phase, not sure if it had anything to do with it, but it worked for some other issues I was having


thanks for all your help, @Kryl_PT !! I truly appreciate it.

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