Is there a way how I can set up 2 Capsule Collision on 1 Character shown on the picture below, where the outer one (green) is for environment only and the inner one (red) is for other characters only?
This is my setup but it does not work (I thought setting green one to block everything but ignore pawn and then setting red one to ignore everything but block pawn should work).
Basically I want players to be able to get closer to each other, but in the terms of environment, such as walls, I want players to be further from them.
Theoretically this SHOULD work! I think the issue is your green capsule is of object TYPE of “Pawn” as well so the green ones can’t overlap still. Try making your Green capsule another thing that would be ignored by Red. You can add another collision channel in your Project Settings if you need to!
Thanks for the response, but after trying your solution it still didn’t work. After additional research I was able to find out that Character can only have root Capsule Component that generates collisions, and other collisions won’t be working.
If that’s the case then it’s really unfortunate, because I wasn’t able to find any workaround so far.
Hmm. Have you tried making your skeletal mesh be your additional collision instead of your red capsule? It COULD get weird if they get too close but I’d give it a shot! A lot of games that want you able to get really close turn off player collision for that purpose, but some games (like the Souls franchise) only have collision with pawns on skeletals, and wall/ground collision on a capsule.