Character will not spawn at playerstart no matter what. Manual spawn and possess will not work either

Put player start in level.

Play > Default Player Start does nothing.

As far as I’m aware there is no way to just set what player start you use anywhere in the settings of gamemode, gamestate, player state, player controller, or in level blueprint.

If I just get the player starts location and spawn the player at that spot and possess with the player controller I do not spawn at the start. I can even print string of it’s location and the player’s location and see that they are different and my spawn function is firing.

If I use the manual spawn function my hud and player state no longer have a reference of the player for some reason and they break as a result.

Seems like a bug more then anything as it was working fine last update.

Do you have an instance of your character in the level somewhere?

Does the character spawn in the same place every time or is it different?

Do you see anything in the output logs about Playerstart? Sometimes there are logs explaining why it couldn’t use one.

In world/project settings I have all my default classes set.

No character is placed in the level, just a player start.

That being said I don’t know which logic actually makes the player spawn in, I attempted to use the level bp to get the location of the player start and spawn the player and possess but no dice.

I tried to overwrite my gamemode spawn player logic with the same function and nada as well.

Nope the logs don’t say anything. One last interesting tidbit, if I do add a playerstart(I just always spawn at 0,0,0 anyways) my Playerstate’s reference to the player breaks and a lot of my projects functionality and control system break as well.


Yeah player starts are kinda wonky. There’s a load of methods in game mode base I think findplayerstart and chooseplayetstart, something like that. Was there anything in the logs?