Yesterday I was told navmesh is specifically for AI - everything I’ve found so far researching this seems to say that’s not necessarily true. I want to build a grid movement system but first I need my navmesh to prevent walking outside of it. I’m using the Simple Move To Location
function that’s in the topdown example. I deleted all of the objects except the pad, navmesh works great there, I can’t run off the side due to it being outside of the navmesh… but if I delete the pad and generate a landscape, then move the Z to 0 so my player start is still above ground, I can then walk right out of the navmesh volume.
I’ve also noticed that deleting the pad and creating the landscape also nukes the “click to move” behavior, I can no longer just click a point on the ground and it move there, I have to hold down the mouse button in order to keep moving.
Can anyone tell me what causes this?
The holding click to move I couldn’t explain but I have noticed that on landscapes it tends to work like that, I set my movement to be controlled with wasd to work around this, as far as exiting the nav mesh, have you considered invisible walls?
I haven’t, mainly because the navmesh seems like a good solution (if I can get it working with landscapes), considering it prevents from clicking outside of the navmesh. I could use invisible walls but I think that would ultimately lead to the players infinitely running/glitching into said wall if they click outside it. I could probably come up with a solution to prevent it, but the navmesh seems to already have contain that behavior, I just can’t get it to work on a landscape.
Navmesh dictates AI movement, but player movement is based on collision channels, visibility is the channel default I believe for the top down clicking. Id use invisible walls, and just place a large invisible plane with visibility block just underneath the landscape
Or maybe just make the nav mesh the same size as your terrain? Maybe I’m not quite understanding what your trying to do