I want to predict the trajectory of my character so that I can get some data about the height of the terrain (or objects) in front of him like this photo from the paper that I’m reading explains (look at the black marks).
I was trying to make it creating a Point object that has a capsule component and projecting it in front of my character considering his velocity and rotation but I’m stuck…
Also this points have to step over object up to a certain height as you can see here.
Have you tried nodes like “predict projectile path” ?
It fires a trace depending on the character velocity, and other physics parameters, like capsule weight. It is a sphere trace, you can input the radius of the capsule.
First of all, thanks for your answer. Finally I have calculated my trajectory with some points in front of the character and trace a top down to take the height.
Every point have a position in the world and the time in seconds that it was created. So for the tail I have stored my position (points) every frame for one second in a queue, then every frame the oldest point leaves the queue and enter the one at my position.