Character to become ragdoll when it hit something at a specific speed

i try to make a game with an inline speed skater. I wish to make it crash like a ragdoll when he hit any static mesh in the map when it goes over the speed 2500.
thanks for any help.

Add a Hit Event to your character Capsule Component. To do this, Right Click your Capsule Component in your character and click the Hit.
From that you get a Hit Vector, drag from it and type Vector Length, this will tell you how strong your character hit something, this can be used to check if it got hit by something with enough force using a if. From the execution you can also drag and Cast to for example Static Mesh if you only want to check against that.

But you will also set up the collision settings in your capsule comp, check the Generate Hit Events and also that it Blocks the things that you want it to register with, for example if a Tennis Ball is a PhysicsActor then have it Block Physics Actor.

thanks for the tip. I couldn’t figure out anyway…probably i’m too much beginner so i will study more… if you have more details i will appreciate even more.

Here is a few pics to get you started, note that if you have World Static as Blocked and Cast to Static Mesh Actor then it will fire when you aer just moving on normal geometry, which might not be what you want.

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