I have been working on tilting characters to the surface orientation (using [this][1] as the basis for the blueprint). After a bit of tweaking I have the following blueprint …
When moving the character onto a slope this is working brilliantly as shown in the following image …
However if I release the controller and stop moving then there is a small yaw constantly applied until the character rotates until they are aligned with the slop as follows …
At that point rotation stops.
Does anyone have any ideas where I am going wrong with the blueprint or have any advice on filtering our this additional rotation?
Many thanks.
I am not sure what is wrong but maybe it would help to tell it not to set actor rotation unless the difference between current rotation and the one indicated by your angle calculations is bigger than 2 degrees.
I have a similar system for my game but mine does an interpolation toward the calculated angle instead of changing instantly so maybe that has something to do with it.
Thanks for your advice … it got me headed in the right direction.
I started thinking about only changing the yaw rotation if the delta was large enough … and then realised that I could actually just ignore the yaw change altogether as I’m only trying to change the pitch and roll. With the following addition to the end of the blueprint everything is working exactly how I needed it to work.
Oh that is another thing about mine - i broke out and selected the axes that way too!
Glad you found a solution