Character Swap issues

Hello lovely people! I’m trying to achieve a character swap in my project and I almost have it but there are some issues I can’t seem to resolve, so I’m hoping anyone here can give me some hints.

I have uploaded my full level blueprint here: Character Swap posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
I started the thing following this tutorial: How to Swap Character when pressing a Button in Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube

So what am I having trouble with? The character swap does apply and even the hud changes to it’s respective char.

The first issue is: I want the camera to smoothly go from the player A’s active camera to the player B’s instead of just teleporting (they both have 4 different cameras inside but I have them setting an “Active Cam” variable inside the char) So I used a “Set View Target with Blend” with a Timeline and a level placed camera lerping between both cameras wich ALMOST works. It does start at my first char but it does not recognize the second one relative location and just takes me to the level origin. Same thing happens going from char B to A. It’s like it does not read the second player’s cam values while its not possessed, but I have no idea how to make it so. (I’m so close to what I want here it hurts)

The second problem: when i swap between chars the first char is stuck doing what he was doing, if he was running he just stays in that animation, if it jumped, it stays in mid air stuck. That’s why i had that first branch to avoid swaping while its falling, but now that approach is doing some weird things with other actions so I disabled it (basically if i launch the character with like a jump pad it will stay in mid air and not fall). Is there a way to keep the char physics normal while it’s not possessed? I’m guessing I have something bad with the collision capsule or somewhere around but no clue.

If you read this far thank you so much and even more if you have any idea how to fix these issues. If the blueprint site does not work or something let me know and I’ll screenshot them. Or if you need me to show something from the character (they are both the same, Quinn is a direct child of Manny which is my main char).

Here with an update! Solved the second problem and was so dumb to fix.

The solution was to enable, in the Character movement component, the option “Run Physics with No Controller”. Now when I switch the char is no longer stuck in any animation and also falls to the ground properly!

Still working on the first issue but wanted to post this solution for anyone that is struggling with this also. Cheers!

Ok I actually managed to make it perfect now! Leaving my final blueprint here for anyone having the same issues / ideas.

Camera has a smooth transition between both characters even when they have different cameras set in each char. Also movement is disabled when transitioning but char falls to the floor when in mid air, and has a once protection so you can’t spam the swap, also checks if character is dead or respawning and wont swap in that moment.