Character swap blueprint, animations not working

It works for the running!
But the attack, jump, and flying still don’t.

The same process will work for those. You find out where it cast to the wolf and do the same for the owl and seal like you did above.

For those actions, I didn’t use the anim BP, only the character blueprints. And the flying only applies to the owl. Will it still work?

You will have to copy over those events and functions into your wolf bp.

So go into your owl bp and see what is needed. Then create the same events by copy and pasting into your wolf character. If you have any broken variables right click them and select create variable. If there are functions you will need to recreate those in the wolf bp also

If they share some events then you will need to cast and see which anim bp is currently loaded and if cast true then run that animals version of that event if failed check the next animal so on and so forth

I didn’t create specific anim blueprints for them. This is how I set up the jump for example in the character blueprints.
I’m assuming I’ll have to start over and create the actions in the anim blueprint?

No, send a pic how you have jump setup.

What you could do there is get anim instance cast to wolf ABP if Good play that jump anim. If failed then cast to owl, if good play owl jump, if failed cast to seal, if Good play seal jump

None of these solutions are ideal but it should teach what is going on with this stuff. Really you can be setting bools in your character BP. Then on your update node in the Animationa BP you can “try and get owner” cast to your character and retrieve the bools there to set the correct bools in your animation BP.

I ended up being able to do it. I think did pretty much what you just said. I just have the flying left, which is a bit harder, because currently the otter and wolf can also fly now, which I do not want.

Well you would only cast to owl on the that event since the others don’t need it.

So Fly event>Get anim BP cast to owl>if good run actions if fail do nothing.

But if I don’t put the flying in the wolf’s blueprint, the flying doesn’t work on the owl

Send a pic of your flying event

Right before the flip. Get anim instance cast to owl abp. If Good run the flip. So it will only do the flying movement change if the the owl is the current mesh and animation blueprint.

Thank you so much! I’m very grateful that you took this much time to help me. I am very grateful! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome! Glad I could help!! I was beginner once too and remember how daunting this stuff can be. Just Incase anyone has similar issues look above for the answer. Basically just needed to do some cast to determine the correct anim BP was getting the needed variables set.