hoping someone can help with this problem I’ve had for a few days now, I’m not really a coder, i’m more of a model designer but the team i work with is small and requires us to do multiple jobs and I’ve seemed to pick blueprint up better than the others,
In our game we have a power up type actor that allows you to swap out part of your character when entering the collision and hitting a key to activate and bring up the menu to do so. the menu uses a 2d capture component to see the model change in real time so we are unable to use the set game pause node as this won’t update the model until setting the game unpaused. We have tried to disable input when ever our in menu boolean is ticked, and then when its not ticked enable the input again. which works fine if you stop moving before activating the menu, but… if you are moving and activate the menu the keyboard is locked out due to the disable input (which is what we want) but the character is still moving in the direction it was when the menu was activated. we tried using the node ‘stop moving immediately’ but still the character keeps moving in the same direction it was when the menu was activated.
the snippets provided are being powered by the event tick in the player controller, the in menu bool is also a player controller variable, that’s being used by the menu and power up. the power up blueprint changes the bool to true when activated and the menu blueprint changes it back to false when exiting. any help on fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated. knowing my luck it will probably be something stupid i have overlooked.
ok so after a little break and a very big coffee, i have now fixed my problem, turns out it was something stupid after all :’(
basically i had set up the player controller as a variable in the other blueprints and was using that to access the ‘in menu’ bool, turns out this wasn’t actually updating the bool, for some reason i decided to just try it by casting to the player controller from inside the other blueprints and this fixed the issue, i don’t know why i didn’t use casting originally but i’m a tad annoyed i didn’t now lol anyway if anyone else is having similar issues maybe this helps