This is perhaps a classic issue for many, but despite reading a lot of threads and content I have not found a solution yet (I using Unreal 4.27.2)
The problem is simply:
As the player character (using a capsule collider) is stepping up on physics actors there seems to be an force impulse happening that potentially throws both character and the physics actor in various directions.
Setting Step Up Height to zero or turning off Can Character Step Up removes this behaviour, but at the same time the player cannot step up on relatively smaller physics objects. For very small physics actor I am simply using overlap rather than block and let repulsion force push the actors around, but for larger physics actors it’s just wrong to be able to go through them. I want to be able to step up on them, but in stable manner.
The physics actor I am testing with has a simple box collider on it.
Both character and physics actor has realistic mass values.
It seems there is some kind of repulsion force happening while you “step up” on physics actors that makes the physics unstable.
Are there any general guidelines to make this setup more reliable?
Do I need to set up events to make it more reliable?
I have so far tried to change the different character forcings, and while turning forcing to zero removes the issue, I can no longer push objects around which is something that I want. I have tried CCD, increasing solver iterations and various related settings, but no solution so far…
Any feedback is appreciated!