Hi all,
Tried my luck here a while back but didn’t find a solution, so trying again.
I have a weird situation where I load a level and my character plays animations but doesn’t move from its place:
If I place my character BP in a level and set Auto Possess Player to 0, the character acts like it should (plays animations and moving regularly). But if I don’t place it in the world and the game mode spawn the character, it plays animations but always stays in place (walk without moving from its place, hits in place etc.).
What may cause this?
When was the last time it was working correctly? Before or after Animations, code changes, etc.
I assume your “Walk speed” is set and there is no code which may remove your walking ability?
Did you reference the char blueprint in the level blueprint at all?
It didn’t. I only tested it while pacing the character in the level. I noticed that problem when removing it and adding the game mode.
No. Level blueprint is empty.
You have to spawn, and posses it. Spawn means character is created but no one in controlling it. Posses mean taking over it, and it depends on the Controller. Normally, we use GetPlayerController(0) and use it to posses, there you go you are controlling your character.
I do control the character, it moves according to my inputs. The issue is that while animating, it doesn’t move from its place.
If I were you, I will try to compare mine with 1st person template bp. It is very enlightening and simple too. Without any bp/c++ code, it is quite difficult to advise what need to be fixed etc etc.
I have a Character class BP as the avatar that contains the skeletal mesh with the AnimBP.
I place that avatar in a Pawn class BP (I do that because each game mode uses different pawn, so the avatar stays the same when you customize it). That pawn class is where you control the character from and that’s the BP I use in the game. Uses simple input axis/action events for controlling direction for the AnimBP in the avatar BP.
Not much code there (for the movement), very simple actually.