Character starts rotating wildly after adding rotation

I am currently making an RTS and to let my Units walk in a formation they should permanently walk to an specific target Actor which are parented to a leader character. The Characters stagger a little bit, because of the amount of move commands, but it works. When I add an animation BP with custom animations made in Blender, the characters somtimes rotate in endless circles after reaching their final destination. Sometimes they even drift away into the void without any known reason. I would be happy if someone could help me, Thanks.

This could be several issues, and you would need to figure out which one it is before fixing it.

First, since you said this happened only after applying animation, I think you should check if the character is actually rotating or if they have simply been animated to look like they are rotating. Try hooking up a tick print string to actor rotation in the character blueprint.

If it isn’t changing, then that means it is an issue with the animation.

If it does change, then that is really strange because just hooking up an animation blueprint shouldn’t affect if the character is rotating or not. That would mean that they had been rotating the entire time and you didn’t notice until the anim BP made it really obvious.

Finally I found the problem: The animation had nothing to do with it, I forgot that I also added a weapon and it had a collision, which interfered with the character collision. Thanks anyway.