I’m creating a third person character in 4.9 with animations from the free animations pack that were re-targeted to a Mixamo character skeleton. That’s all good and working. I got my aim offset to kinda work so now I can aim up and down, and blend poses.
The problem is kinda difficult to explain. so here’s a video…
As you can see, when I move left or right, the character points/aims in the direction the feet are pointing rather than where the camera is pointing.
Here is my animGraph
Right now, I only have the aim offset to work while I’m aiming down sights. That block of stuff floating at the top is not being used right now.
And here is my Event Graph
I only included the blocks of code that are actually working because there are tons of bits off screen that I had been messing around with.
My question is, how do I do this? I have tried getting different Control Rotation values and plugging that in to the AimOffset node in my AnimGraph, but it doesn’t work. I also have Use Controller Rotation Yaw set to true because I want to keep the camera locked on the character’s back. If I uncheck it, I still have the same problem with the character aiming to the side, only the camera will spin around him instead of being locked.
I’m fairly new to this so please explain simply. Thanks.