Character speed stages

What I’m trying to do is this:
Your character have few different speed stages. walk, faster walk, run, faster run and sprint.
You use mouse wheel to change your speed stages by stage.

Now, I need to do the same in reverse, but the question is: how?
I have no ideas how to do it all in reverse, stage by stage.

To make sure: I want to be able to switch character’s speed stage by stage.

This is a rather unusual setup you’ve got there. I’m pretty sure you can get away with just using an action input event of your mose wheel and a blendspace with different movement animations controlled by Speed variable.

I have solved it. I created action mappings and did some easy graphic coding in character’s blueprint.

Hi Soulspray - any chance you could upload a version of this project file so I could take a closer look at how it works ?

Sure, here you go!