I want to use the Speed variable to control a blendspace, but I noticed that the speed of my character doesn’t go to 0 (or drop at all) when I run into walls. I know the third person blueprint doesn’t suffer from this so I’ve been comparing my blueprint with that one. However I’m at a loss as to what could be causing this… every setting in CharacterMovement is either the same as the third person example or doesn’t make a difference. Any help is appreciated.
How is your blendspace setup? Does it work under normal conditions when you stop moving?
I normalize the speed based on a range that looks good, and then multiply that by the forward (W/S) and strafe (A/D) values. When I print the values being plugged into the blendspace, they look reasonable. But they don’t respond to my character running into things at all.
I looked through collision settings for the capsule, character mesh, or differences with the CharacterMovement component, etc etc. I can’t think of anywhere else to look.
Try just plugging the speed variable that is set by the pawn velocity into the blendspace, your math may be issue.
Take a look at the third person animBP speed is set via the velocity vector length and then plugged into the blendspace…no extra math added to it, you are taking that value an manipulating it with you float math in the screenshot, also if you have any values coming in for the other axis it will add those into the calculations for the blendspace if it is a 2d blendspace, take a look at the animation starter pack it utilizes a 2d blendspace and running into a wall will stop the animations but only if there is no input values from another axis at the same time.
That doesn’t change anything from what I can see. AnimBP and blendspace aside, just taking the length of the actor velocity and printing it to the screen, I can clearly see the thirdperson character “speed” drop to 0 while mine stays the same.
Looks like I can actually get the Speed to drop to 0 if i get the character caught on walls at weird angles. The animBP doesn’t behave correctly but at least I can see it doing something different. I really feel like this is a weird collisions issue.