Character spawns in PIE editor, but not standalone

i’ve spent hours trying to fix this, never had this issue before

my default pawn is set up correctly, and i’m not getting any error or warnings when i’m in standalone. it’s almost as if standalone can’t find the file, begin play strings don’t fire, it just doesn’t seem to exist, i’m very very stuck and so so close to a milestone, really need help here

Use C++ for this (I am not sure if blueprints logging work in standalone). Create function that uses UE log and write to file.

Then run your project as: Game.exe LOG=MyLog.txt

You will get log from what is going on.

Then create custom UE log category, and log there all blueprints that fire up:

  • game instance (INIT)
  • game hud
  • begin play
    and so on.

See if all of them are starting

On begin play in level or game mode, get all actors of class and see if your player character spawns.
Get all classes like game mode, game instance (ones you created own versions) and see if they all are running.

Also if you are using data assets, sometimes some of them refuse to load in standalone, no idea why.

Code for UE_LOG:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MyLog", meta = (ToolTip = "Print to LOG"))

static void LogItString(UPARAM(ref) FString LogString, FString& OutLogString)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *LogString);
	OutLogString = LogString;

Create CPP function library, add first line and declaration to .h then code part to .cpp