Character Snaps back when walking or running animation stops

Hi, I am very new to game development just started and not able to pass through the character movement if you see in this video my character snaps back to place or just drag back when i move forward i also set up blendspace and also tried transition method
Animations and character rig are from mixamo
Initially, i wanted to make endless runner type of game very simple with jump and slide mechanic and automatic running in the forward direction but the camera is angled from side like Mario but ended up like this.
I also checked root motion it was disabled and even enabling it didn’t help me.

Looks like your animation is in root motion. The whole setup that you are having is for in-place motion while your animation is in root motion. So, inside the animation sequence, you can check the box “force root lock”.

Hopefully it helps.

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Thanks for your reply
sadly it didn’t work
it feels like my character is snapping back and starting animation after certain frame even though I am trying it to run or walk forward it glides back after certain frames

What didn’t work? Have you tried it?
If it still doesn’t work, well another idea that I have in mind is your character is moving by pelvis bone.

The fix to this is more complicated. But before that are you retargeting the animation somewhere? You might need to retarget the root bone to be the correct bone. I’m afraid you will need to experiment with this yourself, cause every skeleton behaves differently unless your mesh are retargetted to UE5 default skeleton.

force root lock didn’t fix it
actually am not doing any retargeting its directly from Mixamo even my character rig

Hey there @AnonymousJoker12! Welcome to the community! So Legion is correct you do have an animation that requires root motion to be set up properly, though just checking root motion on only does some of the necessary measures. Here’s a tutorial that should help you get your character to follow the animation’s root motion and retain proper location.

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So, my guess is you import straight to Unreal? If so, then your root bone doesn’t exist and the engine attempts to fix this to use your pelvis bone instead.

You will have to add the root bone first. There’s a blender plugin to convert them.

Also, if you are doing walk start and walk end, the setup isn’t the same as simply plugging the speed variable. It’s more complicated with a lot of calculation, that’s what root motion is all about, to use the skeletal mesh to drive the movement component and not the other way around.

I might be mistaken in your animations, but you should use walk loop animation instead of walk start.

Thanks for the reply can you give me the name of that plugin? and just to let you know I am using walk loop animation maybe its the root bone issues as u mentioned

thanks for your support

The plugin itself is really old, but it should solve your problem.
I myself have tested it a few days ago. Be sure to use the supported blender version for the best result. I’ve tried on Blender 3.2 and it seems to work fine, for me at least.

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i got one addon by do some search and i fixed the root bone but my animation still snaps when i press W to walk it walk couple or steps then snap back and keep on walk and if i kept it pressed it will run but snap is still there

i got the same plugin thanks any way even though iam still searching for solutions iam learning new things !

Did you convert the animation as well? Or just the skeletal mesh?

i converted them all by following the tutorial
what i did is i got one idle animation with skin and rest animation without
and imported idle with mesh and skeletal tick and rest without mesh but using same skeletal
and animations are working but whenever i play the issue is its snap back
here in the updated video if you can notice the snapping or loop i dont know
also here i just created a blenspace to make the character start with walk not idle to walk i thought maybe walking animation was creating the issue so i was just testing thats why he walks automatically

Hard to tell you exactly what the cause, you might not telling me something. I suggest you delete all the assets and re-import it again but this time, all animations SHOULD NOT USE SKIN and only the skeletal mesh should have skin.

Also, make sure when you create animation inside the mixamo, make sure “In place” box is checked for the animations. If not, then you have to re-download it again.

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i didnt use inplace check box for my animations maybe thats causing me this issue?? ill redownload and check but one question though if i use inplace then how it will move in unreal like for example for walking animation it will walk inplace?

Yes. You want it to walk in place and not walk forward. If it walks forward then it is considered root motion.

The setup of root motion is not something for beginner. The setup is complicated and complex. A lot of maths.

This time it worked!!
so i guess the inplace option was causing this issue
now i just need to figure out how to make it more smooth and good coz right now it glides little and even not stop while in air lol

Thank you so much for your support

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