Hello, I have a skeletal mesh component(SMC) BP that has a cast to for an animation blueprint that is supposed to trigger the “shoot” animation by turning on and off a bool from within the SMC. When I try to use “Get Owner” on the SMC to use as the object reference for the cast to, it doesnt work. It says that the animation blueprint doesnt inherit “Actor”. When I use Get Anim Instance (with self target), it doesn’t give me any errors, however, when I go to use the component it no longer appears. Its gone entirely and the normal things that would occur from button press dont occur. Any ideas how to properly attach a SMC BP variable to the Animation BP of the skeletal mesh it will eventually attach to so that I can share variables between the two BP?
Hey @Du57mi73!
Does this error still occur when you manually set the SKM? Is your animation blueprint attached to your skeletal mesh in your blueprint?
I’m new and am conflating my many issues. I apologize. The original issue that was presented in the OP was resolved by putting the cast to at the end of the “Event Begin Play” instead of having it first. Ill start a new post for my actual issue.