Character shakes when on moving elevator

Hey, I have a problem when my character is on moving platform.

I made a simple elevator which goes up/down. It works great but if it goes a bit faster my character is shaking.

I’m using MoveComponentTo node to move the elevator.
Any fix for that?

If I had to guess I’d say its the collision between the character and the elevator so maybe if you set the collision on the elevator to Collision>Advanced>Use CCD see if that helps.

Sadly turning on CCD didn’t work :frowning:

Could you try to animate it with a timeline instead of the MoveComponentTo node just tot test? If we can rule that out then it can be the camera, or collisions between objects.

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I had to make some changes with my blueprint to try it with timeline but it works!
Thanks for the help :smiley:

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oh great! Not sure why it was the MoveComponentTo, but at least timelines work.

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I had this problem and tried to fix it for 2 days.
Finally when I changed the BP type to pawn the problem went away.
I’ve prepared a tutorial to help others.

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Thank you for sharing the solution. i had the same problem with elevator. when i changed the class to pawn, elevator started work smoothly and no shanking :smiley:


This should be a public service announcement.

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