Character select screen 2 players 1 vehicle HELP!

I have a made a full blown game like Mario kart double dash and now im at the end of my three year development and now that im setting up basic functionality which i thought would be easy it seems to be the most difficult part! I really need someone’s help explaining to me how to set up a character select screen where i can chose two people and then i chose my kart and they both spawn in the same vehicle on game start …already figured out how to get a semi working character select screen but only 1 player is selected and then i don’t really no what to do after that!. im not sure how to make my selected players manifest in the car when the game begins! how does the engine remember my players selected when I’m choosing my maps! this al seems incredibly difficult!!! but making the game was even more of a head ace! i will pay anyone who is willing to help me with this simple set up.

Get the class of your character/vehicle when you select it and store it in game instance blueprint (which is persistent).

im not sure how to make my selected players manifest in the car when the game begins!

On Begin Play in the level BP spawn the character/vehicle class which you stored in the game instance.